01 Jul Chalchihuites by Javier Marín at the National Museum of Korea
24.june.2022- press release for immediate release.- By invitation of the National Museum of Korea, the plastic artist Javier Marín presents his work “Chalchihuites, offering a contemporary vision on pre-Hispanic Mexican symbols, achieving a dialogue with the special exhibition “Aztecs: the people who moved the sun”, which recently inaugurated on May 2nd in the city of Seoul as part of the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Mexico.
In the Mesoamerican world, the chalchihuite is the precious stone that seems to represent the vision where there is no beginning or end, but a circular continuity. Javier Marín presents in National Museum of Korea the urban installation “Chalchihuites”, two monumental rings of five meters in diameter made with fragments of his own sculptures, assembled with wires. The artist highlights the fragmentation and collective re-construction, past and present merged in different ways of thinking and representing ourselves.