Puntal Collection

The publication program produces a printed extension of the activities carried out by the Javier Marin Foundation in relation to the convergence, reflection on and professionalization of the plastic and visual arts.

The Puntal Series was born to continue fostering encounters (encuentros). The titles are devised as instruments and supporting materials for emerging artists, researchers in the arts, cultural anthropologists, academics, promoters and producers, among others; they constitute useful tools for the development of various skills for professional life. To date we have published five titles in Spanish language, and the first three can be consulted free online:

01. Portafolio de artista. Una herramienta clave para una promoción exitosa. (Artist’s Portfolio. A Key Tool for Successful Promotion).

Catalina Restrepo Leongómez. Prologue by Felipe Ehrenberg.

02. a, arte, bajo, cabe, con, contra, de, desde… Nociones para escribir un proyecto de arte. (Tips on How to Write an Art Project).

Ekaterina Álvarez and Jaime Soler Frost. Illustrations by Luis Carlos Hurtado.

03. De la idea al papel: pasos para solicitar patrocinios culturales (From Idea to Paper: Steps to Apply for Cultural Grants)

Ivonne Pérez Esquivel and René Roquet. Illustrations by Jis.

04. Comunicar la creatividad. Promoción digital para artistas y proyectos culturales. (Communicating Creativity. Digital Promotion for Artists and Cultural Projects).Alejandra Mateos. Illustrations by Alejandro Magallanes.

05. ¿Vivir del arte? Sí. El universo del mercado y la valuación de las artes plásticas. (Can You Live On Art? Yes. The Art Market and the Valuation of Plastic Arts )Rafael Matos and Valeria Matos. Illustrations by Trino.

06. ¿Qué es una tesis de arte? ¿Para qué sirve? Rocío Montoya y Pilar Villela. Ilustrations by Dulce Chacón.


    This book covers practical advice born from experience and different ways of compiling a portfolio, so that more than an archivist of completed works, it is a useful tool to publicize the personal line of work.


    Does this book offer a brief compendium of useful tools for building an idea? with words. It is both a simple guide - to deal effectively with writing a project.


    This book is a compendium of tools and advice that seeks to facilitate the lives of those people who want to obtain resources, either individually or as a group, for cultural purposes.

  • Comunicar la creatividad

    This book explores contemporary communication needs of artists and those who are just starting out in promoting cultural projects. It focuses on how to gain recognition and presence, as well as the different strategies to make yourself visible in the right places.

  • ¿Vivir del arte? Sí

    Artistic expression is not born as a commodity, but its creators have to sell it to be able to support themselves. This book offers a panoramic view of some of the most important aspects involved in the sale of art works, to orient artists about how to get into the market.

  • Qué es una tesis de arte

    Research processes, methodologies, types of analysis, and the presentation of results are conceived based on the practice of the visual arts, which is valuable because artistic research is a dynamic and growing field that is still evolving.

Colección Puntual

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